Breakfast and Bible

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

31st Sunday

Perspective: Wisdom 11:22-12:1 "Before the Lord the whole universe is as a grain from the balance. . ." The Earth is a small planet orbiting around a rather ordinary star in a galaxy of millions of stars. If that does make you feel small, our galaxy isn't the biggest in the universe. We share the universe with countless other galaxies.

Why would God care for us? The question is a good one because the evidence is that God does care for us eventho we aren't much more than a grain in the balance. God keeps us alive and even gives us eternal life. Awesome!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

31st Sunday

Thoughts from the margins:
The Wisdom reading reflects the continued wonder of the Hebrews that God should choose them and work such marvels on their behalf. Zacchaeus must have felt the same way. Little insignificant Zacchaeus is picked out from those "on the margins", those who are not in "the in crowd".

What do you think about when you're feeling insignificant or left out? The Hebrews knew they were significant to God and that memory was enough. The Church remembered the story of Zacchaeus for that same reason. God has always heard the cry of the poor and the lowly. Our dignity comes from God, not what others think about us or we think about ourselves.

Monday, October 29, 2007

31st Sunday

Wisdom 11:22-12:1 The universe belongs to God and is maintained by Him. Gods’ wisdom and love are seen in creation. Read the Catechism numbers 295-301.

Psalm 145: I will praise your name forever, my king and my God. Praise is the first form of prayer we owe to God. See the Catechism numbers 2639, 2709-2719

2 Thessalonians 1:11-2:2 Paul offers his prayer for the church.

Luke 19:1-10 Jesus came to call sinners. Zacchaeus experiences it personally. Catechism 588-589 and 1443 teach us about God’s forgiveness.

The four kinds of prayer are Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. Adoration is what we owe God because God is God. Contrition, Thanksgiving, and Supplication are important because of who we are and our needs. We are sinners who have received forgiveness and are always in need of God’s help.