Breakfast and Bible

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

17 Sunday C

Gn 18: 20-32. A lesson in prayer
For the first time since the garden of Eden, God walks with a man and the two are comfortaable together. One of the things sin did was damage the relationship between God and Man. That was the significance of the man hiding because he was naked.
Abraham is a man of faith and so in once again confident in his relationship with God. Abraham feels so sure of the relationship that he bargains with God about the fate of Sodom.
Except for the prophets, this is the last time God and Man are shown to be in such a close relationship.
The story is an explanation for the tradition of a "minyan", a group of ten men that pray for the salvation of Israel.

Themes to consider: Persistence in prayer; Power of prayer groups; boldness in relationship with God


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